Thursday, October 19, 2006

New questions raised about Castro's health

New questions raised about Castro's health: "New questions raised about Castro's health
U.S. intelligence sources say Cuban leader has terminal cancer, Time magazine reports.
By John Shinal

Sunday, October 08, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO — U.S. intelligence officials think that Cuban President Fidel Castro has terminal cancer and won't return to power, according to a report in Time magazine. The Cuban government has maintained that he will retake his post after he recovers from abdominal surgery that he had in July.
'Certainly we have heard this, that this guy has terminal cancer,' one U.S. official said.
On July 31, Castro released a statement saying that the surgery to stop intestinal bleeding 'obliges me to spend several weeks in repose, away from my responsibilities as leader.'
But Castro's 75-year-old brother, Raul Castro, is still serving as acting president, which has some in the intelligence community thinking that the Cuban government wanted Fidel Castro, 80, off the public stage before his death to gauge reaction to his absence.
Time cited several recent developments that it called 'signs of Raul's increasing prominence,' including his first televised national speech and his hosting of a meeting of local, provisional and national leaders.
However, U.S. intelligence reports on Cuba have repeatedly been wrong during the 47 years that Fidel Castro has been in power, reaching back to flawed assessments of opposition supp"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Visita mi blog para que pueda consultar el texto integro de la ley torricelli y un ejemplo de su usop contra la compañia Iberia, compañia española

Thu Oct 19, 04:09:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me gustaria conocer a otras personas como tu que no son capaces de ver la verdadera cuba de hoy, la cual jamas va a dar ni un solo paso atras de lo que hasta hoy se ha logrado

Thu Oct 19, 04:17:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is one truth in your article, US intelligence has always been wrong about Cuba.
It´s time that you understand that Cuba is a free country, and many years ago this country decided to be free and comunist, that´s something that all goverments in the world should respet.
Fidel Castro´s power lies in the people.

Sat Oct 21, 11:27:00 AM PDT  
Blogger QBANOLIBRE said...

Toda compania que conspire con la tirania de castro perdera todo derecho empresarial al ser Cuba libre...Todos esos hoteles Espanoles que benefician de la sangre y la esclavitud del pueblo Cubano no tendran derecho en una Cuba libre, independiente y democratica....

Sat Oct 28, 06:35:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

En la tarde del sabado de ayer, Fidel Castro dio una entrevista mostrando su estado de salud, y que hay Fidel para rato, visite para conocer el texto integro de sus declaraciones.

Sun Oct 29, 08:11:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahora vas ha tener que revivirlo, solo tienes que ver las imagenes de la integridad fisica de Fidel Castro transmitidas para todo el mundo

Tue Oct 31, 06:07:00 PM PST  
Blogger QBANOLIBRE said...

El tirano fidel parece una vieja caduca...como se dejan enganar ustedes los fanaticos comunistas...cualquier medico al verlo diria que sufre de algo muy grave...quizas cancer....Que Dios protega al pueblo Cubano y se lleve a este personaje asesino y perverso....

Tue Nov 14, 02:35:00 PM PST  

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