Saturday, April 18, 2009

Havana, Cuba 1930s - before the communist revolution destroyed it all!!

This was CUBA before the communist dictatorship. Dont let them kid you into thinking CUBA was an impoverished miserable place to live where Casinos, the mafia and prostitutes ruled the country. This is completely false. Cuba was known as the PARIS of the AMERICAS. Look at the pictures, the well dressed Cubans, the shops, the commercial activity, the traffic, a virtual cosmopolitan, metropolis.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Marisela Verena Son de las Cuatro Decadas

ABAJO fidel ASESINO!!!!!!!!

Havana, Cuba 1930s

Un pais sin libertad (parte1)

Un pais sin libertad (parte2)

Un pais sin libertad (parte3)

Un pais sin libertad (parte4)

Un pais sin libertad (parte5)

Un pais sin libertad (parte6)

Un pais sin libertad (parte7)

Un pais sin libertad (parte8)

El escolta de Castro Parte I

Cao le advirtió a Pérez Roque que acabaría como Robaina

Carlos Lage VS Juan Manuel Cao

CUBA Fidel Castro - Estilo de vida y seguridad personal